Vol. 6 No. 2: July-December 2024
Research Articles
Training activities for manufacturing culinary products using local food ingredients Bengkala Village, Kubutambahan District, Buleleng District, Singaraja
I Wayan Pugra, I Ketut Sutapa, Made SudiarsaAbstract : 84PDF : 321-6 -
Extensive safety measures and performance analysis considering the CPU resource utilization
Verra KholodnayaAbstract : 102PDF : 237-25 -
Green tourism destination product differentiation: Effect on visit satisfaction in Gili Trawangan
Ida Ayu Kade Werdika Damayanti, Ni Made Sudarmini, Ni Putu Somawati, Ni Luh Eka Armoni, I Made SudanaAbstract : 144PDF : 5426-31 -
Comparative analysis of budget implementation performance of the National Narcotics Agency in the Bali Region
Made Dwi Widya Saputra, Ida Bagus Anom PurbawangsaAbstract : 69PDF : 2932-41 -
Augmented reality users: The effect of virtual try on, live streaming and e-service quality on online purchase intention mediated by customer satisfaction
Putu Ayu Trisna Febrianty, I Gst. Ayu P. Jesika Sita Devi N, Ni Putu Dera Yanthi, Nyoman Dewi Pitaloka CahyadiAbstract : 502PDF : 29442-56 -
Development of an e-module containing ethnomathematics in the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model to improve elementary school students' problem solving abilities
Mutamimatul Ula, Zaenuri Mastur, Saiful RidloAbstract : 171PDF : 12757-86 -
Taxpayer awareness and tax services quality on taxpayer compliance in paying rural and urban land and building taxes (PBB-P2)
I Made Dwi HarmanaAbstract : 87PDF : 3987-95 -
Work-Family conflict on work engagement: Mediated by job satisfaction
Anak Agung Sagung Erika Rosa Damayanti, Ida Bagus Ketut Surya, Wayan Gede Supartha, I Gede RianaAbstract : 262PDF : 12896-108 -
Development of tourism culture in Vietnam today
Nguyen Thi Ngoc TrangAbstract : 128PDF : 92109-117 -
Does experiential marketing effect on tourist satisfaction?
Solihin, I Nyoman Meirejeki, I Putu Budiarta, I Nyoman Kanca, Luh Mei WahyuniAbstract : 92PDF : 40118-123 -
Effect on turnover intention: Career development, compensation and job stress
Ayu Chandana Sri Kintani, Ratri WahyuningtyasAbstract : 230PDF : 174124-136 -
Analysis of the application on capitalization method of fixed asset maintenance costs
Ida Ayu Eka Dewi Wijaya, I Ketut SujanaAbstract : 68PDF : 27137-148 -
Does learning behavior, learning environment, learning methods, and lecturer competency effect on the level of accounting understanding?
Putu Mia Pradnya Paramita Dewi, Ni Made Adi ErawatiAbstract : 86PDF : 44149-163 -
Moderation of spiritual intelligence: Machiavellian personality, ethical organizational culture and whistleblowing system on fraud intention
Ida Ayu Surya Maharani, I Gusti Ngurah Agung Suaryana, I Gusti Ayu Nyoman Budiasih, Komang Ayu KrisnadewiAbstract : 187PDF : 85164-176 -
Exploring the relationship between learning motivation and student satisfaction in higher education in Vietnam
Bui Thi Hong MinhAbstract : 99PDF : 46177-184 -
Developing an innovative management model to enhance teaching and research effectiveness in Vietnamese Higher Education Institutions
Nguyen Thi ThiAbstract : 53PDF : 26185-198 -
Rice terrace as a support for sustainable mass tourism in the perspective of collaborative governance in Tegallalang tourism village Gianyar
Komang Adi Sastra Wijaya, Ni Wayan Putu Artini, Putu Yoga Darma Rahayu, Sang Ayu Nyoman Sinta Dewi, Ni Wayan RianiAbstract : 93PDF : 56199-208 -
Application of new technologies in innovating teaching methods at universities
Bui Thi Hong MinhAbstract : 46PDF : 30209-220 -
Managing the professional development of natural science teachers in secondary schools in Kien Thuy District, Hai Phong City, using experiential learning
Dinh Thi Lua, Nguyen Van ChinAbstract : 41PDF : 15221-232 -
Analysis of rice production trends in ten rice production centers in Indonesia
Qorimah Handari Harahap, Zulkifli Lubis, Tavi SuprianaAbstract : 48PDF : 46233-254 -
Ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities in Vietnam today
Tran Hong TrangAbstract : 42PDF : 43255-263 -
Capital Structure (CS), Profitability (P), and Firm Age (FA): Impact on Firm Value (FA)
Putu Sri Arta Jaya Kusuma, Putri Ayu Permata DewiAbstract : 28PDF : 10264-273 -
Legal protection for victims of defamation in the digital era: Study based on Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning ITE and its changes
Hamielly Cortez Lim, Hery FirmansyahAbstract : 41PDF : 11274-284