Psychoeducation: an alternative for the management of aggression in primary schoolchildren


  • Larissa Machuca-Fernández Phd. Profesor Titular. Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Roxana Rodríguez-Venereo Profesor Asistente. Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Frank Díaz-Carbó Profesor Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Fabiola Esther Giler-Ormaza Docente de la Unidad Educativa Juleidy Deyaneira Pincay Montesdeoca, Portoviejo, Ecuador
  • Wendy Annunziatta Vera-Cedeño Docente CEI, Augusta Ugalde Alcivar, Portoviejo, Ecuador
  • Jessenia Monserrate Castro-Mendoza Docente CEI Augusta Ugalde Alcivar, Portoviejo, Ecuador


psychoeducation, aggressiveness, teacher, school, educational work


The present study is methodologically based on the qualitative research paradigm. It allowed us to investigate, describe and evaluate the aggressive behavior of the students, the teacher's educational styles, the tools used in these situations and the level of existing psycho-pedagogical improvement. The Ethnographic method was used, which made it possible to know the dynamics of the Caridad Pérez Pérez primary school, and the structural and functional aspects of the investigated group, made up of 9 subjects who belong to the personnel who are directly related to the schoolchildren, in the period of November 2023. – May 2024. The empirical methods used were observation, interview, documentary review and triangulation. Inadequacies were revealed in the educational work to manage school aggressiveness and the need to raise the level of psychopedagogical preparation of teachers. The viability of Psychoeducation was confirmed as a useful alternative for the teacher in the treatment of this behavior.


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How to Cite

Machuca-Fernández, L., Rodríguez-Venereo, R., Díaz-Carbó, F., Giler-Ormaza, F. E., Vera-Cedeño, W. A., & Castro-Mendoza, J. M. (2024). Psychoeducation: an alternative for the management of aggression in primary schoolchildren. Tennessee Research International of Social Sciences, 6(1), 23–37. Retrieved from



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